‘Moorambilla’ means ‘the place where water naturally finds its most effective path to flow during a flood’
Moorambilla was originally one of the first sheep runs in Coonamble, and the original placement for the town centre. The first fresh water spear was placed in the Castlereagh river for the fledging township of Coonamble here so that the people knew where to dig for fresh water so they could thrive. It has always been a place of natural beauty and renewal. The Castlereagh river is known as an ‘upside down river’ because it flows beneath the sand for most of the year. Only when it is in flood does it become a conventional river – and its mighty power like our voices in song is revealed for all to see.

Cultural Compact
We acknowledge and cultivate respect for the people, creatures, land, water and surrounds of our communities which are precious to all.
We all share this land.
We all care deeply about this country.
It is our collective responsibility to respect and care for all of those associated with Moorambilla Voices.
We commit to working with each other and walking forward in a spirit of openness and generosity – and this will guide our interactions artistically, culturally and socially and in every business interaction we make that represents Moorambilla Voices.
We create art, memories and a sense of ourselves and place from our stories and the land.
We will learn from the past to shape the present and work towards a better future for our country.
In partnership, and with mutual respect and understanding, we put the wellbeing of our Moorambilla Voices family, our people, our communities and our country – first.
We do this by respecting ourselves, each other and our shared commitment to cultural understanding.
What to learn more
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