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Our vision is bold! We aim to create a regional choir of excellence that encompasses our regional children and youth. Our children will work with recognised leaders in their field to create, perform and record repertoire that gathers its core artistic inspiration from the region of New South Wales and those that inhabit it. We draw on the cultural legacy and spirit of the country with recognised leaders in our field. We do this in order to spark national conversations on inclusion and respect.

Cultural Compact

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This is Moorambilla Voices

We acknowledge and cultivate respect for the people, creatures, land, water and surrounds of our communities which are precious to all.

We all share this land.

We all care deeply about this country.

It is our collective responsibility to respect and care for all of those associated with Moorambilla Voices.

We commit to working with each other and walking forward in a spirit of openness and generosity – and this will guide our interactions artistically, culturally and socially and in every business interaction we make that represents Moorambilla Voices.

We create art, memories and a sense of ourselves and place from our stories and the land.

We will learn from the past to shape the present and work towards a better future for our country.

In partnership, and with mutual respect and understanding, we put the wellbeing of our Moorambilla Voices family, our people, our communities and our country – first.

We do this by respecting ourselves, each other and our shared commitment to cultural understanding.


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Our Pillars

Over the past sixteen years, we have developed a strong community network founded on Excellence, Access, Equity, Opportunity, Cultural Identity, Social Capital, Well-Being and Organisational Resilience.



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To create equitable opportunity for children from regional and remote areas of Australia to participate in high level choral, Taiko, dance and visual arts with leaders in their field regardless of social & financial status or identity.


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To create a body of repertoire and performances that speak directly of the participants’ experiences and cultural legacy and includes choir, Taiko, dance and visual arts as they perform with leading artists and ensembles.


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To create an artistic vehicle for regional and remote cultural and artistic expression amongst participants that celebrates Australian cultural connection to country, capacity and creativity.


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Cultural Identity

To support the revitalisation and celebration of Indigenous language through consultation and collaboration.


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To raise awareness in the region, and beyond, of choirs as an artistic medium, and in doing so create new performance opportunities and new audiences for the ensembles of Moorambilla Voices.


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Social Capital

To develop social capital through the artistic outcomes of the choir reflecting the background and diversity of the participants in a culturally competent way.


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To create an environment and artistic vehicle that supports children’s mental well-being, resilience and self-esteem.


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Organisational Resilience

To ensure ongoing and strong financial management, governance, program development and provision of expertise to support the artists, management and administration of the Moorambilla Voices ensembles.



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The meaning of Moorambilla

Moorambilla in Gamilaroi roughly translates to place of fresh water. Moorambilla is the name of family property currently owned by our founders father Mick Leonard who will celebrate his 100th birthday in 2022. It is located just on the outskirts of Coonamble, just off the Dubbo road on the Gulargambone side. Coonamble is a rural community in western NSW occupying either side of the Castlereagh river sitting on both Wailwan and Gamilaroi country. It was here that the sheep runs – Coonamble and Koonambil formed the start of this community beside the fastest flowing “underground river system” in the southern hemisphere. Only when this river is in flood does it become a conventional river revealing its mighty power. For all who have experienced it Moorambilla is a natural oasis of birdlife and gum trees with waterflow into the swamp from the Bibleroi and Warrena creeks. It has always been a place of natural beauty and renewal.





Get Involved

Support Moorambilla Voices in bringing music and arts education to children in regional and remote Australia. Your donation will help us provide transformative programs and experiences to the next generation of artists and leaders. Join us in making a difference – donate today and help us expand Australia’s creative capacity!

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Resident Photographer Noni Carroll

Resident artist Frank Wright, Walgett

©Moorambilla Voices 2023