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Moorambilla Ambassador Program

The role of a Moorambilla Ambassador is to support the goals, values and achievements of the choirs in a positive and proactive manner.Ambassadors will be chosen from a diversity of backgrounds (no more than ten at a time)
in line with the strategic needs of the organisation to contribute expertise, skills and experience to support the growth and development of Moorambilla Voices.This should include areas that relate to their own expertise and wherever possible include Moorambilla Voices in their own networks, everyday practice and professional activities.In doing so they will actively increase the reach of potential supporters for Moorambilla Voices at a professional, government, research, education, private philanthropy and business development partnership level for the betterment of Moorambilla Voices – or other areas in line with their expertise.




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Get Involved

Support Moorambilla Voices in bringing music and arts education to children in regional and remote Australia. Your donation will help us provide transformative programs and experiences to the next generation of artists and leaders. Join us in making a difference – donate today and help us expand Australia’s creative capacity!

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Resident Photographer Noni Carroll

Resident artist Frank Wright, Walgett

©Moorambilla Voices 2023